Our Kezi just had a birthday last weekend (she turned 7). Keilah and Kaleb each made her a present: Kaleb built her a wooden airplane out of some scrap lumber. He sawed and nailed it together all by himself (he designed it too). Keilah made her a little zippered, lined pouch for putting her toy horses in. I talked her through how to sew it, but she did the work all by herself. Here is a picture of their handiwork: I'm proud of the work that they both did... even though you can't see the fine details in this picture...!
The other thing we have been up to is running! We love being active together as a family, but I thought it would be fun to train for a 5K (the older 3 kiddos and myself). I don't know if we will do an actual, organized race, but we will be trained up for one none-the-less. Sometimes we train with all of the kids (3 runners and 3 in strollers which means I push the double stroller and Kaleb gets to push the single). Sometimes we go 3.1 miles, sometimes we go 5 miles. Sometimes we run on the road. Sometimes we run trails in the pasture on the hills. At any rate, I'm quite proud of their endurance and heart (even and especially when we are pushing the strollers on the dirt). The best part is sitting down with our water after we are done and talking to each other. I usually tell people that I hate running, but I LOVE how I feel after I run: thankful, refreshed, energized, strong... It is fun to share that feeling with my kids. They are so encouraging to each other during and afterward; it is almost as if running wards off strife! We will probably be ready in a week or two. I'm surprised how quickly the kids have built up their endurance! I would encourage you to get active with your kids: walk, run, bike ride, hike, geocache.... whatever... it is an awesome experience to share and a great way to enjoy God through His creation. Truth be told, I tried to get my husband to train with us.... He said "no". But he happily volunteered to ride the 4 wheeler with the 3 little ones and carry water for the runners. Isn't he a great husband?